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This search engine will provide the location of a search term throughout the North Carolina Postal History Society website. This includes all the text on the website, the North Carolina Postmark catalog, and all issues of the NCPHS Journal from 1982 with the exception of the most recent four issues.
Examples of how to form your search query are shown below:
Asheville Murphy - Returns documents containing both the words Asheville and Murphy
Asheville Murphy OR Franklin - Returns documents containing the word Asheville and either Murphy or Franklin
"Asheville and Murphy" - Returns documents containing the exact phrase "Asheville and Murphy"
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Examples of how to form your search query are shown below:
Asheville Murphy - Returns documents containing both the words Asheville and Murphy
Asheville Murphy OR Franklin - Returns documents containing the word Asheville and either Murphy or Franklin
"Asheville and Murphy" - Returns documents containing the exact phrase "Asheville and Murphy"
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